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How to Align with your Manifestations

Yesterday, I visited my favorite local beach to see if the whales were back in town...

I removed my shoes and planted my feet deep into the soft sand. It was a bright sunny day and low tide, so the water was warm and clear.

As I gazed out to the sea, I searched for signs of whales but only saw seagulls gliding over the water.

I was about to walk away, but something stopped me.

I asked the ocean, do you have a message for me? I heard, "Look down." And there, at my feet, was an extraordinary heart-shaped jellyfish. A true gift from the universe. Maybe not the one I had hoped for, but a gift nevertheless.

This experience taught me something about manifesting...

 Sometimes, our manifestations show up differently than we expected. Yet, they can fill us with the same awe and time-stopping fullness when they arrive.

 And sometimes, all we need to do is stop searching for our manifestations and allow them to appear. 

The key is feeling that you are innately deserving of allowing it into your life. 

Here are ways that I practice allowing myself to align with my manifestations:

1.) Align with heart and higher self daily:

This looks different for everyone. The key word here is daily. This can look like 3 minutes of breathwork, 30 minutes of meditation, or 2 minutes of morning sun worship.

This will help you to tune into your inner compass and broadcast to the Universe that you are making your well-being a priority, which then has a ripple effect not just in what flows your way (love in the form of what you desire) but also out into the Universe, uplifting our planet’s consciousness.

2.) Follow your bliss:

Joseph Cambell was on to something when he said these famous words. According to Cambell, 

If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are — if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.

I get it. This can be impossible sometimes amid life's responsibilities. But ask yourself this: Who holds the key to your happiness? Only you, my friend.

3.) Practice being the highest version of yourself:

Whenever I feel my old fears and anxieties creep up to the surface, as painful as it can feel, I know it means I'm close to having a breakthrough. In moments like this, I ask myself: What would the highest version of me do right now? I believe we are both human and Divine. Allow the Divine in you to awaken.

4.) Feel it to heal it

You've probably heard this popular catchphrase in the Woowoo world of personal growth. Feeling, healing, and integrating your inner child wounds are key to allowing your manifestations.

When we integrate our wounded inner child, instead of ignoring it, we befriend aspects of ourselves that we previously rejected, which sends out a message to the Universe that we are whole and worthy.

  • My favorite program for inner child work is taught by Lacey Philips at highly recommend joining the pathway if you’re feeling the call to do shadow work to heal sub-conscious limited beliefs that might be blocking your manifestations.

  • I also recommend “Tapping with Brad” on Youtube. One video in particular, called “You are deserving of the best that life has to offer” is highly effective at shifting your energy.

5.) Stop playing small:

Spending time in Nature feels so good because it reflects our magnificent Soul.

 You are an infinite Divine being in a temporary human body.

If you could see yourself as your best friend or the Universe does, you wouldn't recognize yourself!

Knowing that you're great has nothing to do with your ego and everything to do with remembering that your big warrior heart is here to shake things up and bring more love into this world.

That is truly the only power that is real.

Now, what's more deserving than that?

Here's to allowing yourself to align with all that your heart desires!  



P.S. To find the gemstones to help you align with your 2024 manifestations, shop our “Shop by Intention” section below!

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Gemstones for your Human Design

Human Design is a fascinating system that reveals your unique, energetic blueprint.

Although there are many layers to Human Design, essentially, on the day and time you were born, the Heavenly bodies aligned in a unique way, which gives you a road map in life for how to approach anything you want from your authentic soul signature, therefore creating more ease and flow in your life rather than feeling like you're carrying your refrigerator up Mt. Everest. 

According to Jenna Zoe, the author of the book, Human Design, your chart is simply a map of your energy.

Your unique way you’re meant to operate in this world: your energy levels, energy patterns, and your ways of doing, resting, and most importantly- where and how your energy reaps the more rewards and returns.

So, as a gemstone healer, I thought it would be cool to intuit which gemstones would be helpful to support your human design type.

There are five distinct Human Design types. According to Jenna, here are the essences of each one:

The Manifestor: Manifestors are wild, strong, playful creatures. You’ll find the most success in life harnessing your wild, energy. You have tremendous energy and are a natural leader when you feel fired up about something. You’re most powerful when you feel into your gut, and follow your urges. Your willpower is tremendous when you give yourself permission to take action in a fun, playful way.

To embrace your powerful energy, wear Smokey-Citrine , Yellow-Spinel, Yellow Sapphire and Yellow Tourmaline.

The Generator: You are here to generate energy. Your only job is to feel lit up. Seriously. When you do what makes you happy, it creates so much good energy that you become like a human radiator.

Jenna says, Being Lit up is your highest calling because when you’re happy and excited, that spillover of good energy inspires, fuels, and lifts everyone else up around you- without even trying.

I intuitively feel stones such as Orange Sapphire, Fire Opal and Carnelian are excellent for Generators. Give yourself permission to unleash your passions and do what excites you.

Manifesting Generator: Manifesting Generators are a combination of Manifestors and Generators.

According to Jenna, like the Generator, doing things that light them up is what creates energy in the MG’s systems and makes their energy very bright and magnetic to all that’s meant for them.

But it’s blended with the spontaneous, playful nature of the Manifestor, which means they can pivot in new directions out of nowhere. Because of this, they are meant to walk through life in a very multi-directional, dynamic, expansive way.

If you’re an MG, you’re meant to have various passions and meant to do varied things in one lifetime.

I feel intuitively that stones such as Smokey Quartz, Black Tourmaline and Smokey Citrine are helpful to feel grounded as you pursue your many passions as well as second and third chakra stones such as Orange Spinel and Citrine to activate your manifesting abilities and burning desire to accomplish goals.

Projector: Jenna says, a projector has the gift of seeing things others can’t. You will be valued for what you see rather than what you do.

Follow the areas of life you could learn about or talk about all day- those areas to which you are meant to apply your seeing gifts.

Because success for you comes from sharing your insight with the world, third-eye stones such as Amethyst, Iolite and Blue Tourmaline , as well as Labradorite are supportive.

And wear Aquamarine to trust your voice and communicate your heart’s truth with courage.

Reflector: Reflectors are like human lint brushes, they pick up on everything. Only 1 percent of the population are Reflectors!

According to Jenna, your Essence is very clear, like a blank canvas constantly experiencing what it’s like to be different paintings depending on what’s being ‘painted on’ that day- namely, from the energies of the people around you and the places you are in.

Give yourself permission to allow your vibe to be what your Soul genuinely leads you to be on any particular day; your Soul actually craves for variety and change.

Because you absorb a lot of information and energy from your environment, I feel intuitively that stones such as Diamond, Rainbow Moonstone, Black Tourmaline, and Smokey Quartz will help ground and protect your field so you can differentiate between your energy and other people.

Now that you know the gems connected with your Human Design type, you can now start working with them and see how your strengths feel strengthened.

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“Grateful Friday”Event

Welcome to our Grateful Friday Event!

If you are reading this, you are most likely in our VIP insiders community. We have amazing deals for you starting Friday at 6 AM (PST).

The general public will have a 30% off sale all weekend through Cyber Monday.

But for you, we have more in store!

Your private 40% off code is valid from 6AM-12 midnight on Friday only.

PLUS, when you order $300 or more from 6 AM-12 noon, you will also receive a “Mystery Gift “ (value up to $300). If you have been our customer for some time, you know how good the Mystery Gifts are.

For SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY through Cyber Monday, the VIP fun continues with 30% off PLUS a $100 gift card for purchases $500 or more that you can use for any future website order or gift to a friend (cannot be combined with other promotions).

We’ll be sending email reminders throughout the weekend, and you can always refer to this post if you need a reminder.

Thank you for your loyal business; it means so much!

Please reach out if you need assistance with your shopping or have any questions.



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The Thymus Gland and Your Immune System

Our immune system is a strong focus these days and I'm excited to share how our "High Heart" collection may not only assist you in healing your emotional heart, but also keep your immune system humming.

I came across an article written by healthcare practitioner Sam Kanganamge, a DPO with over 25 years experience and he shared his excitement in coming across research citing scientists’ emerging discovery of T-Cells as equally important to antibodies in the fight against Covid-19.

He says in the article:

"T-Cells are produced in a small gland called the thymus, which sits just above the breast bone, on top of the heart. From the Western medical perspective, the thymus gland is linked to our lymphatic and immune systems, helping us to fight infection. It is especially active during childhood and then starts to deteriorate after adolescence.

In our work treating patients over the last 25 years, we have helped many attain a state of vibrant health by working with the energetic body. The thymus gland is also an important centre in the body’s meridian system, mapped out in ancient Chinese medicine, and the chakra energy centres in the subtle body.

The location of the thymus is also significant. It is positioned within the heart meridian, as well as the lesser-known higher heart chakra, representing the transpersonal aspect of the heart; unconditional divine love and compassion. It is therefore unsurprising that the thymus can hold a lifetime’s worth of unprocessed emotions such as anxiety, sadness and grief, stuck in layers of the physical and energetic body and affecting our vibrational frequency.

Our ancestors knew the innate intelligence and wisdom of the sacred thymus! The ancient Chinese, Indian yogic, Egyptian, and Mayan traditions all recognised that to open our thymus is to open and infuse our lives with forgiveness, love, and compassion. For this reason, many of them performed special healing techniques and ceremonies to activate the thymus.

There are also a few simple practices that you can try at home to stimulate the flow of energy, move through blockages and bring about harmony and equilibrium:

1. If you have a singing bowl at home you can try lying down, placing the bowl directly on to your body and simply allowing the acoustic vibrations to move through your sternum.
2. Practice Qigong
3. Try tapping on your energy meridians, particularly those directly under your collar bones (tip: these spots will probably feel sore if you press into them).”

And from the perspective of gemstone healing, stones such as Pink Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline which can be found in our “High Heart” collection may also assist in keeping your Thymus gland balanced.

Other stones such as Aquamarine, Turquoise are also healing for the Thymus gland.

To your vibrant health (and Thymus)!



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6 ways to care for your energy.

Being highly sensitive can be a gift in so many ways and yet learning how to take care of your energy can be challenging when interacting with others. 

It’s vital to learn how to take care of your energy.

Especially when you can feel what other people are feeling and take on their energy...or allow other people to take on your energy if you are not mindful.

I felt that way recently when I didn't honor my intuition and say no to something that I knew would drain me out of fear that it would hurt another person's feelings.

Sound familiar?

The end result of abandoning myself and my needs: feeling exhausted, headachy, and just plain icky.

Some might say I was 'slimed.' And yet in all fairness, it's not that other people's energy is necessarily 'bad' it's just not, well, yours.  

Life likes to test us now and then to keep us on our spiritual toes:)

Luckily there are ways to align ourselves psychologically and spiritually so that we are less prey to this pattern and more empowered.

Ultimately, what we want is to feel good about being sensitive and share our unique gifts with the world!

6 ways to protect your energy:

  • MEDITATE: Get cozy with your own unique soul imprint. As a highly sensitive or empath, it’s super easy to take on other people’s energies and not even know it. However, when you make meditation a daily practice, you cultivate a strong connection with your own energy and can discern more quickly when your energy is yours or someone else’s.

  • LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION: Don’t ignore the anxiety or other low vibration emotions you’re feeling (for no reason) prior to meeting with someone. After a quick check in and deciding it’s not you, ask yourself what you need to take care of yourself.

  • LEARN HOW TO SAY NO: When you are a sensitive being, a common pattern is to be copacetic in order to keep the peace. Because you are able to feel others so intently, if everyone is happy than you are too (or so it seems!). In truth, when you over people please, you lose your center and that’s when you get mowed over. Am I right? Learn how to say no so that you can say yes to yourself and your own needs.

  • TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ENERGY: You are not a victim. You teach other people how to treat you by showing up for yourself time and time again. It takes practice! Most of the time, people are unconscious of how they are affecting others. By accepting responsibility for yourself and your energy only, you are taking a mammoth step toward empowerment.

  • SHARE YOUR GIFTS: As a highly sensitive/empath, chances are you have some powerful mojo to share with the world! What lights you up? What are you naturally good at? As you grow more confident sharing your gifts with others, your energy will also strengthen.

  • WEAR PROTECTIVE GEMS: Crystals and gemstones such as Smokey Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Rainbow Moonstone, and Amethyst are wonderful allies in keeping your energy safeguarded (scroll down to view our “Energetic Protection of Empaths Collection” for inspiration)!

And lastly, what to do when you are already ‘slimed?’ Here are a few surefire tricks to get you back to yourself again:

  • Use sea salt and water and scrub your arms and hands. Or better yet, take a sea salt bath.

  • Go outside and walk in nature. Plant your feet in sand, earth, grass and ask Mother Earth to take all energy that doesn’t belong to you. Don’t forget to thank her!

  • Deep breathing. I love David Elliot Mp3’s - you can find him on Spotify.

  • Talk with a friend who is also empathic and feel supported. You’re not alone!

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Gems and Crystals to boost your immune system

When we talk about the healing aspects of gemstones and crystals, we often speak on the spiritual/emotional benefits and yet they also have numerous physical benefits; particularly in building the immune system.

But before we dive in, why do stones and crystals work so well as healing tools? 

Mainly, crystals work due to their unique stable structure which allows electromagnetic energies to flow through them in a way that is powerful and efficient. 

 If it's difficult for you to believe that gems and crystals can actually be effective; you can now rely on science to prove that there is powerful medicine in how our minds play a significant role in how we feel and heal.

They actually did a study at Stanford University on the subject:

"Our minds aren't passive observers, simply perceiving reality as it is. Our minds actually change reality," said Alia Crum, PhD, who directs the Stanford Body and Mind Lab in a recent Stanford News feature.

In the article, they say that doctors are now seeing the Placebo effect as an actual path to better health!

Dr. Crum says,  “If we truly want to tackle the diseases and crises of our time, we need to more effectively acknowledge and leverage the power of mindset."

So with that in mind, here is a list of the most effective healing gems for boosting the immune system*:

  • Aquamarine- It counters infection and is especially useful for laryngitis, strep throat or a sore throat. Supports the healing of all inflammatory diseases as it is a cooling stone.

  • Moss Agate -Good for sinus, congestion, mucus conditions, swelling of lymph nodes, post-nasal drip, lowering fevers.

  • Citrine -Increases energy, especially for exercise, purifies  the body of toxins, improves the circulation of blood and strengthen the immune system.

  • Ruby and Rubellite Tourmaline -Strengthens the heart, and therefore the immune boosting thymus gland which sits just above the heart.

  • Turquoise- Increases prana, or energy, in the body, soothes sore throat.

  • Blue Lace Agate -Excellent for sore throats.

  • Amethyst -Used for headaches, lung and respiratory tract, insomnia and encourages reabsorption of water (to help avoid dehydration.

  • Lapis Lazuli-Treats migraines, headaches, vertigo, immune system, throat issues, insomnia.

  • Green Opal-Alleviates cold and flu, strengthens immune system.

  • Clear Quartz-Strengthens the immune system and brings balance.

  • Blue Tourmaline-Treats chronic sore throat and benefits pulmonary and immune system. Use on throats, larynx, lungs, esophagus and eyes.

  • Green Tourmaline- A powerful heart healer which then stimulates the immune boosting thymus gland which sits just above the heart.

  • Carnelian -Increases vitality and energy to the body, useful in detoxifying the body of alcohol or  other drugs; general improvement of overall health.

  • Green Aventurine-Another heart (thymus) healer, plus stimulates cell repair.

If you’d like a custom healing piece, please scroll down to see our January offer for our VIP community. You can contact us here for more information.

To your vibrant health!



*Gems and crystals can be used in addition to medication and other therapies to enhance progress or alleviate symptoms.

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Self Love for getting out of your head and into your heart

WIth the full moon peaking today in Leo (which rules all things heart) and Valentine's just around the corner, it's the perfect time to let the brain rest a bit and get into the heart space... and trust me, I know this is easier said than done!

What brings you the most joy? Do that! When we give ourselves permission to make time for our joy, our heart chakra literally hums… and has a reverberating effect out into the cosmos which in turn comes back to you ten fold.

I've put together a list of things I do to align with joy; I hope it inspires you to give your heart wings...

My top three go to’s are nature, yoga/meditation, and connection (preferably all three at once).

Depending on your environment, that might look like walking barefoot on the beach or grass, watching the sunrise/sunset, smelling the rain, walking through the woods, or tinkering in your garden.

Connection with those you love. This can look like tea with a friend, catching up on phone calls with far away loved ones, watching a funny movie with your partner, or friend, going to a yoga class or similar heart lifting group event (another favorite is sound bowl events).

Apart from my regular morning meditation practice, I love Melanie Beckler’s angel meditations; especially the 15 minute “Instant perspective shift with Archangel Michael.. you can find it on YouTube.

Dancing is another amazing tool for getting out of your head and into your heart. To slow down, sway, and give my heart wings, I’ve been enjoying Chill Mix on Spotify.

As trite as it may sound, taking time to close your eyes and feel into what you are truly grateful for, brings instant peace.

And last but not least, I always turn to our heart healing gems and crystals for times when I need to be more gentle with myself. A favorite go to is to fill my bath with rose quartz stones and a few drops of David Elliot’s heart opening oil “Open Heart.”

For when you need a more consistent reminder to stay in your heart space and/ or you are currently working on healing a broken heart, grieving, or working on self love, scroll down for our favorite Gemma Rose heart healing pieces…

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Connect with the Angels using gemstones and crystals

I’m excited to share with you an easy way to connect with the angelic realm using gems and crystals. If the idea of connecting with Angels sounds a little too woo woo for you, I completely get it; usually we humans in the third dimension need to “see to believe.”

And yet we believe in miracles such as birth (do we actually “see” where humans come from?), Love (can not be seen, only felt), and even visits from our deceased loved ones in the dream time that feel so real.

Well, it’s the same with the Angels. We may not see them, but boy can we feel them.

I believe we all have spirit guides and guardian angels since birth to help us navigate through this beautiful thing called life with all its ups and downs. And that they are waiting in stand by to assist us with any request (big or small) in accordance with our soul’s highest timeline and the good will of all.

From their perspective, we humans have a thing called Free Will, and so we need to simply ask and trust that they are here to support us.

The first time I connected with the angels was by accident, in the tub, over twenty years ago. I was going through a major transformation in my life and was asking the Universe for support. I then was guided to do Breathwork and I then shouted “Archangel Michael, Archangel Michael” over and over as I lie in the tub deep into the breath. I didn’t have a religious upbringing and had never heard of the Archaengels and so you can imagine I was a little freaked out.

At that time, the internet was brand new so after my bath, I immediately googled Archangel Michael (or was there a different search engine at that time? I can’t remember life before google), and went down the angelic rabbit hole, amazed at all the information available.

Twenty years later, and it’s all still a beautiful mystery. I don’t claim to be an “Angel Expert,” yet I do have a fun way to connect with them that I hope you’ll enjoy.

All that is required from you, is to keep an open mind and heart and just have fun with it:)

First, find a comfortable resting position, either sitting cross legged, in a chair, or lying down so that your spine is straight. Be sure to not have any distractions if possible.

Begin by taking ten deep long breaths while holding a clear quartz crystal in your left hand and ask the Angels to assist you in opening, clearing, and balancing your chakra system. I also like to call in Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel to hold the four corners of the room as well as surround my energetic field with a pillar of white light.

When you feel ready, place the crystal at the top of your head (at the crown chakra) and ask the crystal and Angels to cleanse, open, and activate your crown chakra to open the channel to the Divine (Universe, God, whichever word you feel comfortable using) and imagine golden light pouring into your head ( you can use a different colored light like white, violet, I just prefer golden). After a minute and when it feels complete, say out loud “And so it is.”

Repeat this through all the chakra systems with the crystal.

Next chakra is the third eye, right between your eyebrows. Gently press this area with your crystal and ask that this chakra be cleansed, balanced and activated so that your vision is clear, and intuition is strengthened . Imagine the golden light filling your third eye and flowing down into your throat chakra, located just in front of the throat.

Placing the crystal at your throat ask for it to be cleansed, activated and balanced so that you may speak with authenticity in alignment with love and your highest truth.

Next, the golden light flows into your heart chakra, located at the center of your chest. Here, ask the Angels to fill your heart with Divine love, connecting you with your higher self and the Divine.

Ask to cleanse, activate, balance this energy center. Take your time here as I find this is where we hold a lot of pain from our past that hasn’t had a chance to release into the light. If emotions come up, allow the tears to flow. Be gentle with yourself.

When that feels complete, place the crystal on your solar plexus, just below your rib cage where your diaphragm is located. This is your Divine Will center.

Ask the crystal and Angels to help balance, and align your third chakra to surrender your will to be Thy will, aligning your actions with your soul’s highest divine timeline. It’s here where we claim our power back and live in alignment with our greatest joy. Fill this area with golden light and ask the Angels for support if you feel powerless in your life.

Moving onto the second chakra, place the crystal just below your belly button and ask that this chakra be balanced, cleansed and aligned. It is here where we allow ourselves to flow with our needs and desires in a healthy, balanced way. Fill this area with golden light and ask the Angels to heal this area if you feel blocked.

And finally place the crystal at the base of your spine; inviting the golden light to warm your root chakra and connect you with the healing energies of Mother Earth. Ask the crystal and Angels to balance, heal, activate your root chakra so that you feel rooted, secure , connected, and safe. Imagine the golden light healing this area and flowing down through roots into Mother Earth. Imagine any fears around survival, security, flow down your roots.

And when this feels complete, you can ask the Angels any question you might have or surrender any fear, or worry to them. If you have a question and don’t receive an answer right away, stay open and look for signs.

A fun way the Angels will show you that they are with you is by dropping little white feathers on your path.

The important thing to remember is that we are never alone and can call upon the Angels at anytime for any reason.

Other gems to connect with the Angels:


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How to outsmart AI

I went on a nature walk with a couple of friends yesterday and we talked about AI; specifically about how it is predicted to surpass human intelligence and what that would mean for humanity.

I brought up how I believe that no matter how intelligent AI becomes, it’s no match for our human capacity to access DI (Divine Intelligence). 

I believe all of us have the capacity to access DI which is where our true power lies. When my mom told me as a little girl that I’m a channel and a medium all I wanted to do was shut it down, be normal, and fit in. I didn’t believe it had value in my life. 

As I grew to be curious about all things spiritual as a young adult, I began to open my abilities and learn from spiritual masters how to access and use this gift to help others.. which led me to what I do now: channel Divine intelligence and healing energy into your gemstone creations.

After placing our grateful feet in the alchemizing sea, we visited my healing hut studio and one friend decided to gift her daughter with a necklace to help her on her path… tapping into my gifts of channeling, I was guided with information ( DI) to help her as well as what stone would best assist her. 

This experience deepened our human connection and brought her and hopefully, her daughter the current healing needed for her path.

AI can never replace DI and this type of human connection.

Ways to strengthen your connection with Divine Intelligence:

  • Pay attention to your intuition and acknowledge when your hunches are right… this builds your trust muscle.

  • Spend time in nature each day and connect with your surroundings through the heart.

  • Spend a few minutes ( or longer ) a day to quiet your mind and focus your attention on your breath ( simply saying I am now breathing in and out) or a mantra that works for you. 

  • Practice connecting with your spirit guides which are linked to DI. This is the invocation I say to connect ( this is an example please use whatever guides or higher power you believe in):

  • I call in archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel to please surround me in a pillar of light that goes all the way down into the crystalline matrix of Mother Gaia and all the way to God's Source and the angelic realms. Please connect me now with my beloved ancestors and guides in spirit who are in alignment with God’s love and light and the middle path. Please connect me with my heart’s truth today and show me how I can be of service for the highest good of myself and others.

To further connect with your heart wisdom and DI wear or exchange energy with the following stones…

Amethyst, Selenite, Kunzite, Blue Sapphire, Blue Topaz, Zircon, Emerald, and Morganite.

If you need assistance, I’m always here to support you! Contact me for a complimentary 20-minute consultation or custom healing order.

Much love and appreciation!


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How to cleanse your crystals

It all begins with an idea.

SEPTEMBER 29, 2023


Have you ever wondered if the good vibes I channel into your healing pieces have an expiration date? Good news: they don’t.

However, most of your gems need extra clearing occasionally to keep them humming.

So, if you ever stowed away your gemstone jewelry pieces because the energy feels meh, I created this post just for you.

To empower you to know how to care for your gems so you can continue to rock your favorite Gemma Rose healing pieces.

The current full moon in Aries is called the Harvest Moon and offers an excellent opportunity to concentrate on your desired manifestations for the upcoming lunar cycle.

Communicate with your precious stones and let out a howl under the moonlight! If, like me, you believe that the moon and stars impact us, ask the moon to shed its light and infuse your gems with your intentions.

  • Water cleanse: A quick way to cleanse your gemstone piece is to simply place it under cool running water for about 30 seconds. Important side-note: The following gems should not get wet:

  • Turquoise - due to its dry nature, this stone will absorb liquids and chemical products (water, soap, cream, ...), and the color will be altered.

  • Pyrite: This stone will rust when in contact with water due to its iron oxide content.

  • Selenite: This is a soft stone that will eventually disintegrate in water. Actually, it’s safe to say that any gemstone ending in “ite” is not to get wet.

*On the subject of Selenite, did you know that you can cleanse your crystals with this magical stone? I have a few slabs of selenite in my jewelry studio that act as displays and clearing and recharging stations for my collections.

*You can place your pieces on or by Selenite overnight, and it will absorb any negative energy and recharge it with positive energy. However, it’s not suggested to place your Selenite outside under the full moon as it will be exposed to outside elements such as dew, etc. Good news: you never need to cleanse Selenite.

  • Sage and Palo Santo: Have you ever ordered one of my Gemstone Medicine Bags? If so, you will already have a Palo Santo stick for cleansing your gems. If not, don’t worry; it’s widely available online. Burning Palo Santo is excellent if you feel emotionally drained or charged while wearing your pieces. Or if you have been around others who are draining and or emotional.

  • Using a lighter, burn the tip of your Palo Santo stick and wave it around your gemstones in a counterclockwise direction. With either Palo Santo or Sage, it’s a good idea to open a window and wave the bad vibes bye-bye.

  • Burning sage is my favorite way to cleanse my gemstone pieces. Be sure to have something like an abalone shell or plate underneath so that you don’t get ashes all over the place.

  • Like Palo Santo, light the sage and guide it over your gems in a counterclockwise direction. With sage, I also watch the smoke absorb the stone and wait until it looks like it’s done its job.

  • Sea Salt: You might prefer to place your crystals in a bowl of sea salt overnight. I would only suggest your quartz pieces for this method: Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Citrine.

*On the subject of Quartz, this family of gems is the most susceptible to absorbing negative energies; therefore, they need the most clearing.

*I omitted Smokey Quartz from this category as it doesn’t need a lot of clearing. I call it Sage in a Stone for its miraculous way to cleanse our energy field and act as an energetic shield of protection. Side note: Labradorite is also excellent for this. Have you seen our new Labradorite collection? Dreamy!

Happy Cleansing!


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How to become the creator of your life

It all begins with an idea.

What better time than the full moon in intuitive Pisces to illuminate our subconscious mind and gently tell it to stop running the show?

Last night, I watched an interview with Dr.Bruce Lipton, author of Biology of Belief. During the conversation, he mentioned that we enter the world like sponges and spend the first seven years of our lives absorbing information, beliefs about ourselves, etc. from our family, school, and surroundings. This information then becomes ingrained in our subconscious mind and has a significant impact on 90% of our behavior for the rest of our lives.

The good news?

When we recognize our power as creators, we can heal and overcome subconscious programming that makes us feel like victims of our circumstances.

Easier said than done, I know.

However, with patience and love for ourselves, I believe that through awareness, we can switch on our ability to co-create with the Universe consciously instead of responding on auto-pilot from our subconscious.

This realization empowers us to make choices that strengthen our self-worth and lead to more freedom and happiness.

Remember, YOU are the gold. Not the limiting beliefs you picked up that are running the show. Not your job, your relationship, or how much money you have. If everything was stripped away, you are left with the incredible resource of YOU.

To mine your inner gold, it’s imperative first to get rid of the bug backing up your software.

This may feel daunting whether you are not comfortable revisiting specific memories or just don’t like the feeling of getting out of your comfort zone. Or both. And that’s OKAY. As one of my teachers David Elliott, says, healing can take a lifetime.

Having compassion for yourself, wherever you’re at, is a great place to start.

Let’s dive in!

  • Learn how to create a new comfort zone by asking, "How does this make me feel?”

  • Consider an aspect of your life that leaves you feeling drained. This could be related to your job, your relationships, or your finances, for instance. Unsure of what area to focus on? One sign may be that you feel exhausted when you think about it. Once you have identified this area, ask yourself: What can I do to change this and bring more happiness and freedom into my life? Often, we struggle to say no to things because we are worried about upsetting others or we feel guilty for prioritizing our own happiness over others.

  • Start or revisit your meditation practice. Consistency is key. Think of meditation as a way of strengthening the 10% conscious part of you to become 20%, and so on. You’re essentially building a relationship with your true Self.

  • If you're new to meditating, begin with 3 minutes and work your way up to 20-30 minutes per day. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and tell your worries, concerns, and problems to wait in another room. Take a deep breath, relax your muscles, and concentrate on your breathing. To keep your mind focused, try reciting a mantra like Om, Love, God, Light, or any other word that brings you peace.

  • Practice shadow work. If you are unfamiliar with this type of inner work, I highly recommend Lacey Philip’s Pathway at as a fantastic tool for shedding light on our shadows (subconscious limiting beliefs) so that we can engage with life from a whole, worthy place.

  • Ask for help! We all have spirit guides and angels to assist us in living our lives with more joy and freedom.

  • Wearing healing gemstone jewelry as touchstone reminders to align with your true self. This is why I do what I do. I create healing pieces to support your journey back to your authentic soul …where your true abundance resides. 

    Here are my favorite pieces for this:

  • “Bright Soul”

  • “Be Bold”

  • Zen Mind”

  • Sunny Days Ahead”

  • My time to shine”

  • “Connected”

  • “Peaceful Heart”

  • “Glow Up”

    To your joy and freedom!



  • Side note: I’m not a medical professional. I’m sharing what I’ve learned and what works for my life. If you need further support, please advise your doctor.

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Gemma Rose Gemma Rose

Awakening the third eye chakra

It all begins with an idea.

Have you ever had a hunch about something and ignored it? It happens all the time, right?

Your intuition is your biggest gift.

We are all given this gift yet our culture praises left-brain logical thinking which then has us second-guessing our inner wisdom.

With any gift, we must practice and hone the skill. 

The chakra associated with intuition is your third eye.

According to Cristi Christensen, author of Chakra Rituals, “In order to unwrap this gift and access its magic, you first must develop an intimate relationship with it. Without this very important step, your intuition will remain but a buried treasure.”

Firstly, she suggests making time and space:

“Building a relationship with your intuition is no different than building a relationship with a person. Time and space are an important part of what nurtures a relationship…

The best way to do this is to establish a daily meditation practice. She continues… Imagine each session as a date with your inner guidance.

Secondly, pay attention and listen.

We all receive intuitive messages differently.

She adds, “ Your intuition may choose to speak to you in the form of a bodily sensation- think goosebumps on your skin, the hair on the back of your neck standing up, that feeling of oh yes or oh no in your gut, or even your heart starting to race for no apparent reason:

This is known as a clear feeling.

Or it might prefer to be a voice inside your head or even a whisper in your ear in the form of a word, sound, or song: this power of sound is known as clear hearing.

Your intuition may also choose a more visual form of communication and paint a picture or play a mini movie in your mind’s eye: this intuitive form is known as clear seeing.

She adds, perhaps your intuition will also use the sense of smell to get your attention. Suddenly, you may smell a fragrance or odor that connects you back to a person, a place, or a loved one: this is known as clear smelling.

And lastly, you might get a flash of insight, a feeling that you just know in your bones something to be true and you don’t know how you know it: this is called clear knowing.

Most of us have one or two main ways in which our intuition talks.

Cristi encourages you to be playful with developing you’re intuitive gifts… She says for example, when the phone rings, before you check the screen, guess to see who it might be. Going to meet a friend, imagine what color they might be wearing. Tune into a friend before reaching out and guess how they are feeling. Keep it light, playful, and fun.

And in case you are wondering which gems and crystals might be helpful to awaken your third eye, these are my favorite: Blue Sapphire, Amethyst, Rainbow Moonstone, Iolite, and Blue Apatite.

Here’s to awakening your third eye and the invaluable gifts of intuition it brings! May it be a guiding light in your life.



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Gemma Rose Gemma Rose

Spiritual meaning of the "Evil Eye" necklace

It all begins with an idea.

While on my recent trip to Greece, we couldn't walk two steps without seeing "Evil Eye" jewelry in all the stores. My friend and I had a wonderful moment with a shop owner who adorned us with permanent “Evil Eye” friendship bracelets that I will forever treasure.

I had heard of this ancient Greek tradition of wearing an evil eye pendant for energetic protection yet I never felt drawn to it, I guess well ‘cause evil isn't a favorite word of mine, hehe.

And yet as I learned more about the spiritual history of the symbol, I became intrigued. So much so that it inspired me to create my own version for you to be worn as a talisman and reminder that you are always divinely protected. My one-of-a-kind design won’t have the traditional Greek blue and white eye motif yet it will have “evil eye proof” diamond charms to enhance the protective energies of the piece (see photo above).

The concept of the “Evil Eye” does exist in other cultures, yet it was Alexander the Great who took Greek Culture to the east in the 6th century B.C. The presence of eye paintings was found on Greek drinking vessels during that same time period.

The “Evil Eye” can also be found in China, India, Africa, and through the Mediterranean up to the Arctic Circle. Hawaiians know the evil eye as 'maka pilau' (directly translated to rotten eyes), while Italians call it 'malocchio' (bad eye).

Thousands of years later, (there must be something to this!), the Greeks still believe that wearing the symbol of the “Evil Eye” act as a talisman to keep you energetically and physically safe against someone casting an evil eye toward you (even subconsciously).

What if someone is the recipient of the “Evil Eye” even while wearing the symbol? In this case, the Greeks have a ritual called Xematiasma which is a secret prayer that has been past on through the generations.

But don’t worry, I may not be Greek and know the secret prayer, yet I do know something about creating protective, healing necklaces, and am super excited to offer you a Gemma Rose healing “Evil Eye” charm necklace to keep you in your feel-good bubble:)

Soon to be unveiled on the website!

Love and light,


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