6 ways to care for your energy.

Being highly sensitive can be a gift in so many ways and yet learning how to take care of your energy can be challenging when interacting with others. 

It’s vital to learn how to take care of your energy.

Especially when you can feel what other people are feeling and take on their energy...or allow other people to take on your energy if you are not mindful.

I felt that way recently when I didn't honor my intuition and say no to something that I knew would drain me out of fear that it would hurt another person's feelings.

Sound familiar?

The end result of abandoning myself and my needs: feeling exhausted, headachy, and just plain icky.

Some might say I was 'slimed.' And yet in all fairness, it's not that other people's energy is necessarily 'bad' it's just not, well, yours.  

Life likes to test us now and then to keep us on our spiritual toes:)

Luckily there are ways to align ourselves psychologically and spiritually so that we are less prey to this pattern and more empowered.

Ultimately, what we want is to feel good about being sensitive and share our unique gifts with the world!

6 ways to protect your energy:

  • MEDITATE: Get cozy with your own unique soul imprint. As a highly sensitive or empath, it’s super easy to take on other people’s energies and not even know it. However, when you make meditation a daily practice, you cultivate a strong connection with your own energy and can discern more quickly when your energy is yours or someone else’s.

  • LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION: Don’t ignore the anxiety or other low vibration emotions you’re feeling (for no reason) prior to meeting with someone. After a quick check in and deciding it’s not you, ask yourself what you need to take care of yourself.

  • LEARN HOW TO SAY NO: When you are a sensitive being, a common pattern is to be copacetic in order to keep the peace. Because you are able to feel others so intently, if everyone is happy than you are too (or so it seems!). In truth, when you over people please, you lose your center and that’s when you get mowed over. Am I right? Learn how to say no so that you can say yes to yourself and your own needs.

  • TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ENERGY: You are not a victim. You teach other people how to treat you by showing up for yourself time and time again. It takes practice! Most of the time, people are unconscious of how they are affecting others. By accepting responsibility for yourself and your energy only, you are taking a mammoth step toward empowerment.

  • SHARE YOUR GIFTS: As a highly sensitive/empath, chances are you have some powerful mojo to share with the world! What lights you up? What are you naturally good at? As you grow more confident sharing your gifts with others, your energy will also strengthen.

  • WEAR PROTECTIVE GEMS: Crystals and gemstones such as Smokey Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Rainbow Moonstone, and Amethyst are wonderful allies in keeping your energy safeguarded (scroll down to view our “Energetic Protection of Empaths Collection” for inspiration)!

And lastly, what to do when you are already ‘slimed?’ Here are a few surefire tricks to get you back to yourself again:

  • Use sea salt and water and scrub your arms and hands. Or better yet, take a sea salt bath.

  • Go outside and walk in nature. Plant your feet in sand, earth, grass and ask Mother Earth to take all energy that doesn’t belong to you. Don’t forget to thank her!

  • Deep breathing. I love David Elliot Mp3’s - you can find him on Spotify.

  • Talk with a friend who is also empathic and feel supported. You’re not alone!


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