Gems and Crystals to boost your immune system

When we talk about the healing aspects of gemstones and crystals, we often speak on the spiritual/emotional benefits and yet they also have numerous physical benefits; particularly in building the immune system.

But before we dive in, why do stones and crystals work so well as healing tools? 

Mainly, crystals work due to their unique stable structure which allows electromagnetic energies to flow through them in a way that is powerful and efficient. 

 If it's difficult for you to believe that gems and crystals can actually be effective; you can now rely on science to prove that there is powerful medicine in how our minds play a significant role in how we feel and heal.

They actually did a study at Stanford University on the subject:

"Our minds aren't passive observers, simply perceiving reality as it is. Our minds actually change reality," said Alia Crum, PhD, who directs the Stanford Body and Mind Lab in a recent Stanford News feature.

In the article, they say that doctors are now seeing the Placebo effect as an actual path to better health!

Dr. Crum says,  “If we truly want to tackle the diseases and crises of our time, we need to more effectively acknowledge and leverage the power of mindset."

So with that in mind, here is a list of the most effective healing gems for boosting the immune system*:

  • Aquamarine- It counters infection and is especially useful for laryngitis, strep throat or a sore throat. Supports the healing of all inflammatory diseases as it is a cooling stone.

  • Moss Agate -Good for sinus, congestion, mucus conditions, swelling of lymph nodes, post-nasal drip, lowering fevers.

  • Citrine -Increases energy, especially for exercise, purifies  the body of toxins, improves the circulation of blood and strengthen the immune system.

  • Ruby and Rubellite Tourmaline -Strengthens the heart, and therefore the immune boosting thymus gland which sits just above the heart.

  • Turquoise- Increases prana, or energy, in the body, soothes sore throat.

  • Blue Lace Agate -Excellent for sore throats.

  • Amethyst -Used for headaches, lung and respiratory tract, insomnia and encourages reabsorption of water (to help avoid dehydration.

  • Lapis Lazuli-Treats migraines, headaches, vertigo, immune system, throat issues, insomnia.

  • Green Opal-Alleviates cold and flu, strengthens immune system.

  • Clear Quartz-Strengthens the immune system and brings balance.

  • Blue Tourmaline-Treats chronic sore throat and benefits pulmonary and immune system. Use on throats, larynx, lungs, esophagus and eyes.

  • Green Tourmaline- A powerful heart healer which then stimulates the immune boosting thymus gland which sits just above the heart.

  • Carnelian -Increases vitality and energy to the body, useful in detoxifying the body of alcohol or  other drugs; general improvement of overall health.

  • Green Aventurine-Another heart (thymus) healer, plus stimulates cell repair.

If you’d like a custom healing piece, please scroll down to see our January offer for our VIP community. You can contact us here for more information.

To your vibrant health!



*Gems and crystals can be used in addition to medication and other therapies to enhance progress or alleviate symptoms.


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