How to outsmart AI

I went on a nature walk with a couple of friends yesterday and we talked about AI; specifically about how it is predicted to surpass human intelligence and what that would mean for humanity.

I brought up how I believe that no matter how intelligent AI becomes, it’s no match for our human capacity to access DI (Divine Intelligence). 

I believe all of us have the capacity to access DI which is where our true power lies. When my mom told me as a little girl that I’m a channel and a medium all I wanted to do was shut it down, be normal, and fit in. I didn’t believe it had value in my life. 

As I grew to be curious about all things spiritual as a young adult, I began to open my abilities and learn from spiritual masters how to access and use this gift to help others.. which led me to what I do now: channel Divine intelligence and healing energy into your gemstone creations.

After placing our grateful feet in the alchemizing sea, we visited my healing hut studio and one friend decided to gift her daughter with a necklace to help her on her path… tapping into my gifts of channeling, I was guided with information ( DI) to help her as well as what stone would best assist her. 

This experience deepened our human connection and brought her and hopefully, her daughter the current healing needed for her path.

AI can never replace DI and this type of human connection.

Ways to strengthen your connection with Divine Intelligence:

  • Pay attention to your intuition and acknowledge when your hunches are right… this builds your trust muscle.

  • Spend time in nature each day and connect with your surroundings through the heart.

  • Spend a few minutes ( or longer ) a day to quiet your mind and focus your attention on your breath ( simply saying I am now breathing in and out) or a mantra that works for you. 

  • Practice connecting with your spirit guides which are linked to DI. This is the invocation I say to connect ( this is an example please use whatever guides or higher power you believe in):

  • I call in archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel to please surround me in a pillar of light that goes all the way down into the crystalline matrix of Mother Gaia and all the way to God's Source and the angelic realms. Please connect me now with my beloved ancestors and guides in spirit who are in alignment with God’s love and light and the middle path. Please connect me with my heart’s truth today and show me how I can be of service for the highest good of myself and others.

To further connect with your heart wisdom and DI wear or exchange energy with the following stones…

Amethyst, Selenite, Kunzite, Blue Sapphire, Blue Topaz, Zircon, Emerald, and Morganite.

If you need assistance, I’m always here to support you! Contact me for a complimentary 20-minute consultation or custom healing order.

Much love and appreciation!



Connect with the Angels using gemstones and crystals