Connect with the Angels using gemstones and crystals

I’m excited to share with you an easy way to connect with the angelic realm using gems and crystals. If the idea of connecting with Angels sounds a little too woo woo for you, I completely get it; usually we humans in the third dimension need to “see to believe.”

And yet we believe in miracles such as birth (do we actually “see” where humans come from?), Love (can not be seen, only felt), and even visits from our deceased loved ones in the dream time that feel so real.

Well, it’s the same with the Angels. We may not see them, but boy can we feel them.

I believe we all have spirit guides and guardian angels since birth to help us navigate through this beautiful thing called life with all its ups and downs. And that they are waiting in stand by to assist us with any request (big or small) in accordance with our soul’s highest timeline and the good will of all.

From their perspective, we humans have a thing called Free Will, and so we need to simply ask and trust that they are here to support us.

The first time I connected with the angels was by accident, in the tub, over twenty years ago. I was going through a major transformation in my life and was asking the Universe for support. I then was guided to do Breathwork and I then shouted “Archangel Michael, Archangel Michael” over and over as I lie in the tub deep into the breath. I didn’t have a religious upbringing and had never heard of the Archaengels and so you can imagine I was a little freaked out.

At that time, the internet was brand new so after my bath, I immediately googled Archangel Michael (or was there a different search engine at that time? I can’t remember life before google), and went down the angelic rabbit hole, amazed at all the information available.

Twenty years later, and it’s all still a beautiful mystery. I don’t claim to be an “Angel Expert,” yet I do have a fun way to connect with them that I hope you’ll enjoy.

All that is required from you, is to keep an open mind and heart and just have fun with it:)

First, find a comfortable resting position, either sitting cross legged, in a chair, or lying down so that your spine is straight. Be sure to not have any distractions if possible.

Begin by taking ten deep long breaths while holding a clear quartz crystal in your left hand and ask the Angels to assist you in opening, clearing, and balancing your chakra system. I also like to call in Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel to hold the four corners of the room as well as surround my energetic field with a pillar of white light.

When you feel ready, place the crystal at the top of your head (at the crown chakra) and ask the crystal and Angels to cleanse, open, and activate your crown chakra to open the channel to the Divine (Universe, God, whichever word you feel comfortable using) and imagine golden light pouring into your head ( you can use a different colored light like white, violet, I just prefer golden). After a minute and when it feels complete, say out loud “And so it is.”

Repeat this through all the chakra systems with the crystal.

Next chakra is the third eye, right between your eyebrows. Gently press this area with your crystal and ask that this chakra be cleansed, balanced and activated so that your vision is clear, and intuition is strengthened . Imagine the golden light filling your third eye and flowing down into your throat chakra, located just in front of the throat.

Placing the crystal at your throat ask for it to be cleansed, activated and balanced so that you may speak with authenticity in alignment with love and your highest truth.

Next, the golden light flows into your heart chakra, located at the center of your chest. Here, ask the Angels to fill your heart with Divine love, connecting you with your higher self and the Divine.

Ask to cleanse, activate, balance this energy center. Take your time here as I find this is where we hold a lot of pain from our past that hasn’t had a chance to release into the light. If emotions come up, allow the tears to flow. Be gentle with yourself.

When that feels complete, place the crystal on your solar plexus, just below your rib cage where your diaphragm is located. This is your Divine Will center.

Ask the crystal and Angels to help balance, and align your third chakra to surrender your will to be Thy will, aligning your actions with your soul’s highest divine timeline. It’s here where we claim our power back and live in alignment with our greatest joy. Fill this area with golden light and ask the Angels for support if you feel powerless in your life.

Moving onto the second chakra, place the crystal just below your belly button and ask that this chakra be balanced, cleansed and aligned. It is here where we allow ourselves to flow with our needs and desires in a healthy, balanced way. Fill this area with golden light and ask the Angels to heal this area if you feel blocked.

And finally place the crystal at the base of your spine; inviting the golden light to warm your root chakra and connect you with the healing energies of Mother Earth. Ask the crystal and Angels to balance, heal, activate your root chakra so that you feel rooted, secure , connected, and safe. Imagine the golden light healing this area and flowing down through roots into Mother Earth. Imagine any fears around survival, security, flow down your roots.

And when this feels complete, you can ask the Angels any question you might have or surrender any fear, or worry to them. If you have a question and don’t receive an answer right away, stay open and look for signs.

A fun way the Angels will show you that they are with you is by dropping little white feathers on your path.

The important thing to remember is that we are never alone and can call upon the Angels at anytime for any reason.

Other gems to connect with the Angels:



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