How to Align with your Manifestations

Yesterday, I visited my favorite local beach to see if the whales were back in town...

I removed my shoes and planted my feet deep into the soft sand. It was a bright sunny day and low tide, so the water was warm and clear.

As I gazed out to the sea, I searched for signs of whales but only saw seagulls gliding over the water.

I was about to walk away, but something stopped me.

I asked the ocean, do you have a message for me? I heard, "Look down." And there, at my feet, was an extraordinary heart-shaped jellyfish. A true gift from the universe. Maybe not the one I had hoped for, but a gift nevertheless.

This experience taught me something about manifesting...

 Sometimes, our manifestations show up differently than we expected. Yet, they can fill us with the same awe and time-stopping fullness when they arrive.

 And sometimes, all we need to do is stop searching for our manifestations and allow them to appear. 

The key is feeling that you are innately deserving of allowing it into your life. 

Here are ways that I practice allowing myself to align with my manifestations:

1.) Align with heart and higher self daily:

This looks different for everyone. The key word here is daily. This can look like 3 minutes of breathwork, 30 minutes of meditation, or 2 minutes of morning sun worship.

This will help you to tune into your inner compass and broadcast to the Universe that you are making your well-being a priority, which then has a ripple effect not just in what flows your way (love in the form of what you desire) but also out into the Universe, uplifting our planet’s consciousness.

2.) Follow your bliss:

Joseph Cambell was on to something when he said these famous words. According to Cambell, 

If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are — if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.

I get it. This can be impossible sometimes amid life's responsibilities. But ask yourself this: Who holds the key to your happiness? Only you, my friend.

3.) Practice being the highest version of yourself:

Whenever I feel my old fears and anxieties creep up to the surface, as painful as it can feel, I know it means I'm close to having a breakthrough. In moments like this, I ask myself: What would the highest version of me do right now? I believe we are both human and Divine. Allow the Divine in you to awaken.

4.) Feel it to heal it

You've probably heard this popular catchphrase in the Woowoo world of personal growth. Feeling, healing, and integrating your inner child wounds are key to allowing your manifestations.

When we integrate our wounded inner child, instead of ignoring it, we befriend aspects of ourselves that we previously rejected, which sends out a message to the Universe that we are whole and worthy.

  • My favorite program for inner child work is taught by Lacey Philips at highly recommend joining the pathway if you’re feeling the call to do shadow work to heal sub-conscious limited beliefs that might be blocking your manifestations.

  • I also recommend “Tapping with Brad” on Youtube. One video in particular, called “You are deserving of the best that life has to offer” is highly effective at shifting your energy.

5.) Stop playing small:

Spending time in Nature feels so good because it reflects our magnificent Soul.

 You are an infinite Divine being in a temporary human body.

If you could see yourself as your best friend or the Universe does, you wouldn't recognize yourself!

Knowing that you're great has nothing to do with your ego and everything to do with remembering that your big warrior heart is here to shake things up and bring more love into this world.

That is truly the only power that is real.

Now, what's more deserving than that?

Here's to allowing yourself to align with all that your heart desires!  



P.S. To find the gemstones to help you align with your 2024 manifestations, shop our “Shop by Intention” section below!


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