How to become the creator of your life

What better time than the full moon in intuitive Pisces to illuminate our subconscious mind and gently tell it to stop running the show?

Last night, I watched an interview with Dr.Bruce Lipton, author of Biology of Belief. During the conversation, he mentioned that we enter the world like sponges and spend the first seven years of our lives absorbing information, beliefs about ourselves, etc. from our family, school, and surroundings. This information then becomes ingrained in our subconscious mind and has a significant impact on 90% of our behavior for the rest of our lives.

The good news?

When we recognize our power as creators, we can heal and overcome subconscious programming that makes us feel like victims of our circumstances.

Easier said than done, I know.

However, with patience and love for ourselves, I believe that through awareness, we can switch on our ability to co-create with the Universe consciously instead of responding on auto-pilot from our subconscious.

This realization empowers us to make choices that strengthen our self-worth and lead to more freedom and happiness.

Remember, YOU are the gold. Not the limiting beliefs you picked up that are running the show. Not your job, your relationship, or how much money you have. If everything was stripped away, you are left with the incredible resource of YOU.

To mine your inner gold, it’s imperative first to get rid of the bug backing up your software.

This may feel daunting whether you are not comfortable revisiting specific memories or just don’t like the feeling of getting out of your comfort zone. Or both. And that’s OKAY. As one of my teachers David Elliott, says, healing can take a lifetime.

Having compassion for yourself, wherever you’re at, is a great place to start.

Let’s dive in!

  • Learn how to create a new comfort zone by asking, "How does this make me feel?”

  • Consider an aspect of your life that leaves you feeling drained. This could be related to your job, your relationships, or your finances, for instance. Unsure of what area to focus on? One sign may be that you feel exhausted when you think about it. Once you have identified this area, ask yourself: What can I do to change this and bring more happiness and freedom into my life? Often, we struggle to say no to things because we are worried about upsetting others or we feel guilty for prioritizing our own happiness over others.

  • Start or revisit your meditation practice. Consistency is key. Think of meditation as a way of strengthening the 10% conscious part of you to become 20%, and so on. You’re essentially building a relationship with your true Self.

  • If you're new to meditating, begin with 3 minutes and work your way up to 20-30 minutes per day. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and tell your worries, concerns, and problems to wait in another room. Take a deep breath, relax your muscles, and concentrate on your breathing. To keep your mind focused, try reciting a mantra like Om, Love, God, Light, or any other word that brings you peace.

  • Practice shadow work. If you are unfamiliar with this type of inner work, I highly recommend Lacey Philip’s Pathway at as a fantastic tool for shedding light on our shadows (subconscious limiting beliefs) so that we can engage with life from a whole, worthy place.

  • Ask for help! We all have spirit guides and angels to assist us in living our lives with more joy and freedom.

  • Wearing healing gemstone jewelry as touchstone reminders to align with your true self. This is why I do what I do. I create healing pieces to support your journey back to your authentic soul …where your true abundance resides. 

    Here are my favorite pieces for this:

  • “Bright Soul”

  • “Be Bold”

  • Zen Mind”

  • Sunny Days Ahead”

  • My time to shine”

  • “Connected”

  • “Peaceful Heart”

  • “Glow Up”

    To your joy and freedom!



  • Side note: I’m not a medical professional. I’m sharing what I’ve learned and what works for my life. If you need further support, please advise your doctor.


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