Awakening the third eye chakra

Have you ever had a hunch about something and ignored it? It happens all the time, right?

Your intuition is your biggest gift.

We are all given this gift yet our culture praises left-brain logical thinking which then has us second-guessing our inner wisdom.

With any gift, we must practice and hone the skill. 

The chakra associated with intuition is your third eye.

According to Cristi Christensen, author of Chakra Rituals, “In order to unwrap this gift and access its magic, you first must develop an intimate relationship with it. Without this very important step, your intuition will remain but a buried treasure.”

Firstly, she suggests making time and space:

“Building a relationship with your intuition is no different than building a relationship with a person. Time and space are an important part of what nurtures a relationship…

The best way to do this is to establish a daily meditation practice. She continues… Imagine each session as a date with your inner guidance.

Secondly, pay attention and listen.

We all receive intuitive messages differently.

She adds, “ Your intuition may choose to speak to you in the form of a bodily sensation- think goosebumps on your skin, the hair on the back of your neck standing up, that feeling of oh yes or oh no in your gut, or even your heart starting to race for no apparent reason:

This is known as a clear feeling.

Or it might prefer to be a voice inside your head or even a whisper in your ear in the form of a word, sound, or song: this power of sound is known as clear hearing.

Your intuition may also choose a more visual form of communication and paint a picture or play a mini movie in your mind’s eye: this intuitive form is known as clear seeing.

She adds, perhaps your intuition will also use the sense of smell to get your attention. Suddenly, you may smell a fragrance or odor that connects you back to a person, a place, or a loved one: this is known as clear smelling.

And lastly, you might get a flash of insight, a feeling that you just know in your bones something to be true and you don’t know how you know it: this is called clear knowing.

Most of us have one or two main ways in which our intuition talks.

Cristi encourages you to be playful with developing you’re intuitive gifts… She says for example, when the phone rings, before you check the screen, guess to see who it might be. Going to meet a friend, imagine what color they might be wearing. Tune into a friend before reaching out and guess how they are feeling. Keep it light, playful, and fun.

And in case you are wondering which gems and crystals might be helpful to awaken your third eye, these are my favorite: Blue Sapphire, Amethyst, Rainbow Moonstone, Iolite, and Blue Apatite.

Here’s to awakening your third eye and the invaluable gifts of intuition it brings! May it be a guiding light in your life.




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